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Scientific Presentations of the Bonar Lab: 2000 - Present

Keynote or Special Invited Presentations

Pope, K. L., S. Bonar, and N. Mercado-Silva. 2023. Updating AFS standard methods for sampling freshwater fish in North America. Latin America and Caribbean Fisheries Congress, Cancun, Mexico. (Contributed Oral)

Gahl, K. and S. A. Bonar. 2023. Where are all the fish? Using radiotelemetry to identify habitat selection in Southwestern streams. Washington and British Columbia Chapters of the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference, Bellingham, Washington, March 20-23, 2023. CONTRIBUTED. (Contributed Oral)

Bonar, S. A. 2023. (Keynote/Plenary Address). How to ethically use influence strategies to move people to complete tasks in fish and wildlife conservation. USFWS Region 2 Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation Virtual Conference, February 15-16, 2023. (Invited Oral)

Bonar, S. A., C. Jenney, and K. Gahl. 2023. Enjoying and appreciating the unique fishes in your nearby Arizona desert streams. Highland Nature Center Verde River Basin Science Overview, Community Nature Study Series, Prescott, Arizona, February 16, 2023. INVITED. (Invited Oral)

Gahl, K. and S. Bonar. 2023.  Use of radiotelemetry to identify stream habitat selection by Arizona fishes. 2023 Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society. Farmington, New Mexico, February 3- February 5, 2023. CONTRIBUTED. (Contributed Oral)

Mayer, M., S. Bonar, M. Culver, K. Gahl and M. Bogan. 2023. Using a genetic approach to identify undetermined fish to species. 2023 Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, February 3- February 5, 2023. POSTER. (Contributed Poster)

Bonar, S. A. 2022. Climate Change and Managing Effects of Increasing Wildfires on Southwestern Fishes. 152 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, Contributed Presentation. (Contributed Oral)

Teal, C., D. Schill, K. Coykendall, M. Campbell, S. Fogelson, T. Delmoas, J. Bauder, C. Roberts, D. Eardley, M. Culver, K. Fitzsimmons, and S. Bonar. 2022. The Development of YY Red Shiner (Cyprinella Lutrensis) for Invasive Population Control. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington. (Invited Oral)

Teal, C., D. Schill,  K. Coykendall, M. Campbell, S. Fogelson, T. Delmoas, J. Bauder, C. Roberts, D. Eardley, M. Culver, K. Fitzsimmons, and S. Bonar. 2022. Attempts at the Development of Trojan Sex Chromosome Carrying Green Sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus). 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington. (Invited Oral)

Bonar, S. A. 2021. Statement of world aquatic scientific societies on the need to take urgent action against human-caused climate change, based on scientific evidence: Development and overview. Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council.  On-Line Conference. (Contributed Oral)

Grant, J. S., S. J. Ingram and S. A. Bonar 2022. Evaluating gill net standardization and electrofishing boat operation techniques in Arizona reservoirs. Arizona Game and Fish Department Statewide Biologist's Meeting, November 15, 2021. (Invited Oral)

Ingram, S. J. , J. S. Grant and S. A. Bonar. 2022. Evaluating novel warmwater sportfish monitoring techniques (Hydroacoustics, age and growth methods) in Southwestern reservoirs. Arizona Game and Fish Department Aquatic Branch Statewide Biologists Meeting, November 15, 2021. (Invited Oral)

Bonar, S. A., N. Mercado-Silva, and K. L. Pope. 2021. The American Fisheries Society standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes project: overview, design and use. 8th World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. (Contributed Oral)

Mercado-Silva, N., S. Bonar, K. L. Pope, and E. Tracy. 2021. An update on international efforts for freshwater fish sampling method standardization. 8th World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. (Contributed Oral)

Pope, K. L., E. Tracy, S. Bonar, and N. Mercado-Silva. 2021. Progression of AFS standard methods for sampling freshwater fish in North America. 8th World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. (Contributed Oral)

Tracy, E., S. Bonar, N. Mercado-Silva, and K. L. Pope. 2021. AFS Standard Sampling Online Fisheries Database: lessons learned in designing a simple and effective tool that fisheries professionals will actually use. 8th World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. (Contributed Oral)

Bonar, S. A. 2021 Overview of The World Statement of Aquatic Science Societies on Climate Change.  Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, June, 2021

Bonar, S.A., B. Murphy, L. Roulson, A. Croxton and C. Jennings. 2020.  American Fisheries Society "Town Hall".  American Fisheries Society Virtual Annual Meeting, September 24, 2020.

Bonar, S. A. 2020. Statement of world's aquatic scientific societies on climate change. American Fisheries Society Climate Change Plenary Session2, Virtual Annual Meeting, September 18, 2020.

Bonar, S. A. 2020. How I obtained leadership skills and which were most important. American Fisheries Society Virtual Annual Meeting, September 14-25.

Bonar, S. A. 2020. Statement of world's aquatic scientific societies on climate change and introduction to climate change plenary session. (10 min video) American Fisheries Society Plenary Session, Virtual Annual Meeting, September 14, 2020.

Bonar, S. A. 2020. Remarks to the Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Business Meeting.  (Virtual).

Bonar, S. A. 2020. The American Fisheries Society, Benefits and current activities. Canadian Conference For Fisheries Research, Halifax Nova Scotia, January 2-5, 2020.

Bonar, S. A. 2019. Communicating critical science issues to a diverse public. Australian Society for Fish Biology Annual Conference. Canberra, AU, October 14-17, 2019.

Bonar, S. A. 2019. The rarest fish in the world.  Current research on USA desert fish management and recovery. Australian Society for Fish Biology Annual Conference, Canberra, AU, October 14-17, 2019.

Bonar, S. A. 2019. Presentation of the presidential plan for the American Fisheries Society.  Annual Business Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno, Nevada, September 29-October 3, 2019.

Bonar, S. A. 2019. AFS climate change outreach. General public and profession. American Fisheries Society Governing Board Biannual Meeting, October 28, 2019, Reno, Nevada.

Bonar, S. A. 2019. Make a difference: Communication techniques no biologist should be without. Plenary Address. 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada, Sept 29 - Oct 3, 2019.

Bonar, S. A., N. Mercado-Silva and K. L. Pope. 2019. The North American AFS freshwater fish sampling standardization program: Update and applications to the Southwest. Meeting of the Gila River Basin Biologist, Phoenix, Arizona, April 4, 2019.

Bonar, S. A. 2019. Proposed AFS president's plan of work. American Fisheries Society Governing Board Meeting, Cleveland, OH, February 5, 2019.

Bonar, S. A., N. Mercado-Silva and K. L. Pope. 2019. The North American AFS freshwater fish sampling standardization program: Update and evaluating harvest regulations. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH, January 27-30, 2019.

Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, and M. Culver. 2018. Developing YY males to control nuisance fish populations in the Southwest. Arizona Native Fishes Conservation Team Statewide Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, November 8, 2018.

Bonar, S. A. 2018. Opening Remarks. The 2018 China Society of Fisheries Resources and Environment Annual Meeting & the 4th Mississippi-Yangtze River Basins Symposium (MYRIBS), Southwest University, Chongqing, China, October 15-20, 2018.

Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, and M. Culver. 2018. Developing YY males to control nuisance fish Populations in the Southwest. Colorado River Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force Meeting, Online, September 26, 2018.

Bonar, S. A. 2018. The conservation professional's guide to working with people.148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey from August 19-23, 2018.  Invited Presentation.

Bonar, S. A., Norman Mercado-Silva and K. L. Pope. 2018. An overview of North American AFS Freshwater Fish Sampling Standardization. 83rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, March 26-30.

Bonar, S. A., Norman Mercado-Silva and K. L. Pope. 2018. An overview of North American AFS Freshwater Fish Sampling Standardization. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, January 28-31 2018, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Bonar, S. A. 2017. Development of AFS standard fish sampling methods: Process and lessons learned. Angler App Standards Workshop, Victoria, BC, July 16, 2017. (Invited Presentation).

Bonar, S. A. 2017. Effects of climate change and extended drought on the rare and unique fishes of the American Southwest.  Adapting to Drought in the Southwestern Region. Region 3 Workshop, U.S. Forest Service. May 31, 2017.  (Invited Presentation).

Bonar, S. A. 2017. A survival guide to an accelerating future in Southwestern trout management. 8th Annual Native and Wild Trout Conference,  Arizona Game and Fish Department and Arizona Trout Unlimited State Council, April 27, 2017. (Invited Talk).

Bonar, S. A. 2017. Effects of climate change on the rare and unique fishes of the American Southwest.  Ecological Drought – Impacts, Resistance and Recovery. USGS Southwest Climate Center, March 28-29, 2017. (Invited Presentation).

Bonar, S. A. 2017. A survival guide to an accelerating future in fish and wildlife management. 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM American Fisheries Society, AZ Chapter of The Wildlife Society, NM Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, February 9-11, 2017. (Keynote Address).

Bonar, S. A. 2016. An overview of stream flow effects on Western native/nonnative fish interactions. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, Missouri, August 19-25, 2016.

Bonar, S. A., W. A. Hubert and N. Mercado-Silva. 2016. An Overview of North American AFS Freshwater Fish Sampling Standardization. World Fisheries Congress, Busan, Korea, May 23-27.

Bonar, S. A. and nine coauthors. 2016. Standard Methods for Sampling Freshwater Fishes: Opportunities for International Collaboration. World Fisheries Congress, Busan, Korea, May 23-27.  

Bonar, S. A., W. A. Hubert and N. Mercado-Silva. 2016. An Overview of North American AFS Freshwater Fish Sampling Standardization. World Fisheries Congress, Busan, Korea, May 23-27.

Perez, C.,  S. Bonar, J. Amberg, C. Rees, T. Edwards, and W. Stewart, 2016.  Relationship between AFS standard fish sampling techniques and environmental DNA (eDNA) for characterizing fish relative abundance, biomass, and species composition in Arizona standing waters.  41st Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, March 21-24, Reno Nevada

Bonar, S. A. 2016. An Insider’s View on Applying For and Succeeding In Graduate School! -  Advice from a Professor.  Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Reno, Nevada.  March 20, 2016.

Brizendine, M. E.,  D. L. Ward, S. A. Bonar, and W.  J. Matter. 2016. Use of ultrasonic imaging to evaluate egg maturation of humpback chub Gila cypha in the Grand Canyon. 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of The American Fisheries Society, February 4-6, 2016, Flagstaff, Arizona

Perez, C. R., S. A. Bonar, J. J. Amberg, C. Rees, B. Ladell, T. Edwards, W. T. Stewart, C. Gill, and C. Cantrell. 2016. Relationship between AFS standard fish sampling techniques and environmental DNA (eDNA) for characterizing fish relative abundance, biomass, and species composition in Arizona standing waters. 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters ofT he Wildlife Society and Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 4-6, 2016, Flagstaff, Arizona

Svancara, C., A. M. Lien, W. T. Vanasco, S. A. Bonar, G. B. Ruyle, and L. López-Hoffman. 2016. Can incentives help overcome landowner concerns about conserving endangered species on their land? A rancher case study about jaguar critical habitat and rangeland conservation.; 49th Joint Annual Meeting Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of The American Fisheries Society, February 4-6, 2016, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Brizendine, M. E., D. L. Ward, S. A. Bonar, and W. J. Matter. 2015 ,Use of ultrasonic imaging to evaluate egg maturation of Humpback Chub, Gila cypha, in Grand Canyon  47th Annual Meeting 18-22 November 2015 Death Valley National Park, California, U.S.A. 

Ulibarri, R., S. Bonar , C. Rees, C, Jackson, M.  Mata, G. Selby, J.  Cole, Jeff. 2015. Comparing snorkelling and eDNA sampling techniques for monitoring presence and abundance of endangered Zuni Bluehead Sucker, Catostomus discobolus yarrowi, and Navajo Nation genetic subunit Bluehead Sucker, Catostomus discobolus, in Southwestern streams Desert Fishes Council  47th Annual Meeting 18-22 November 2015 Death Valley National Park, California, U.S.A. 

Perez, C., S. Bonar,  J. Amberg, C. Rees, B. Ladell, T. Edwards, W. Stewart, and C. Gill. 2015.  Relationship between AFS standard fish sampling techniques and environmental DNA (eDNA) for characterizing fish relative abundance, biomass, and species composition in Arizona standing waters. Desert Fishes Council, 47th Annual Meeting 18-22 November 2015 Death Valley National Park, California, U.S.A. 

Cowx, I. G., S. J. Cooke, K. Lorenzen, J. Koehn, S. A. Bonar, D. Bunnell 2015.  Assessment of Inland Fish Populations and Fisheries: The Foundation for Sustainable Management. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 16-20, 2015.

Loftus, A., S. A. Bonar, and D. Austen. 2015. Data Management: A Companion to Standard Methodologies for Improving International Collaboration. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 16-20, 2015

Petre, S.,  J. J. Amberg, C. Rees, M. Brizendine, S. A. Bonar, A. Chaudoin, O. Feuerbacher,  C. Perez,  J. E. Ruggirello, and R. Ulibarri. 2015. Incorporating Technological Advances in Standard Inland Fish Sampling Programs: Challenges and Opportunities. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 16-20, 2015.

Bonar, S. A., W. A. Hubert, and N. Mercado Silva, 2015. An Overview of North American AFS Freshwater Fish Sampling Standardization. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland Oregon, August 16-20, 2015.

Perez C., S. A. Bonar, J. J. Amberg, C. Rees, B. Ladell, B. T. Stewart, C. Gill, and C. Cantrell. 2015.  Standard Fish Sampling Techniques and Environmental DNA (eDNA) As Tools to Characterize Fish Presence and Relative Abundance in Arizona Standing Waters. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 16-20.

Brizendine, M., D. Ward, S. A. Bonar, and W. Matter. 2015. Use of Ultrasonic Imaging to Evaluate Egg Maturation of Humpback Chub Gila cypha in the Grand Canyon. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon.

Perez, C., S. A. Bonar, B. T. Stewart, C.Gill, C. Cantrell. 2015. Use of the AFS Standard Sampling Web Tool to Compare Length Frequency, Condition, and Catch per Unit Effort of Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 16-20, 2015.

Brizendine, M.E., D.L. Ward, S.A. Bonar, and W.J. Matter. 2015. Use of ultrasonic imaging to evaluate egg maturation of humpback chub Gila cypha. The Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 5 – February 7, 2015. Contributed Oral Presentation.

Powers, C. J., and S. A. Bonar. 2015. Display of underwater high-definition videography of Gila chub to increase public awareness and conservation. The Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 5 –7, 2015. Poster Presentation. ​

Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, O. G. Feuerbacher, and C. Powers. 2015. Spawning ecology and captive husbandry of endangered Moapa dace.  The Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 5 – February 7, 2015. Contributed Oral Presentation.​

Svancara, C., A. Lien, W. Vanasco, L. Lopez-Hoffman, S. Bonar, and G. Ruyle. Identifying ranching leaders’ opinions of jaguar conservation and concerns with endangered species management through focused interviews. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico, February 5-7, 2015. Contributed Oral Presentation.​

Ulibarri, R. M., S. Bonar, C. Rees, and J. Amberg. 2015. Detecting and quantifying biomass of Navajo Nation subunit bluehead sucker and Zuni bluehead sucker using environmental DNA. The Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 5 –7, 2015. Poster Presentation.​

Ulibarri, R., S. Bonar, M. Mata, G. Selby, and C. Kitcheyan. 2015. Habitat suitability criteria for Navajo Nation subunit bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus) and Zuni bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus yarrowi). The Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 5 – February 7, 2015. Contributed Oral Presentation.​

Perez, C. R., S. A. Bonar, J. J. Amberg, C. Rees, W. T. Stewart, C. Gill, C. Cantrell. 2015. Correlation of eDNA (Environmental DNA) surveys with traditional fish sampling surveys in standing waters. The Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 5 – February 7, 2015. Contributed Oral Presentation.​

Perez, C. R., S. A. Bonar, W. T. Stewart, C. Gill, and C. Cantrell. 2015. Comparison of length frequency, condition, and growth of select sport fish species in Arizona with those in other areas of North America.  The Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 5 – February 7, 2015. Poster Presentation.

Bonar, S.A. 2015. How standard fish sampling methods help improve biological assessment across political boundaries. Global Conference on Inland Fisheries, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, January 26-28, 2015. Presentation and Scientific Panel Member.

Bonar, S.A. 2015. Standardization and management of fish data for rivers and streams of the Southern U.S. Invited Workshop Instructor. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Savanna, Georgia, January 30, 2015.

Bonar, S.A. 2014. How to Persuade People - Lessons from Psychology and Marketing for the Fish and Wildlife Biologist. Western Warmwater Fisheries Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July 15-16, 2014. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2014. Comparing Standard Fish Data using a Web-Accessible Database. Western Warmwater Fisheries Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July 15-16, 2014. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2014. Comparison of Mechanical Techniques to Suppress Northern Pike Populations in Small Arizona Reservoirs. Western Warmwater Fisheries Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July 15-16, 2014. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2012. Recent advances in standard inland fisheries sampling. Sub-symposium coordinator. 6th World Fisheries Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 7-11, 2012.

Bonar, S.A. 2012. (Keynote/Plenary Address). The Conservation Professional's Guide to Working with People. Keynote Address to the 45th Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Helena, Montana, February 6-10, 2012. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2011. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes. An overview for European Fisheries Standards Committee (CEN). British Standards Institute, London, United Kingdom, March 16, 2011. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2010. (Keynote/Plenary Address). Case Histories of standard sampling in North America. Keynote Address to Conference, Fish Sampling with Active Methods. September 8-11, 2010. Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2010. (Keynote/Plenary Address). An evolving profession: how fisheries management has changed in the far west. Plenary Address to the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. January 21-23, 2010, Athens, Texas. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2007. (Keynote/Plenary Address at Student Breakfast) The conservation professional's guide to working with people. The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona. September 22-26, 2007. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2007. (Keynote/Plenary Address) Standard sampling methods for North American inland fish: A multi-agency project coordinated by the American Fisheries Society. Fish Stock Assessment Methods for Lakes and Reservoirs: Towards the True Picture of the Fish Stock. Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, September 11-15, 2007. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2007. (Keynote/Plenary Address). The conservation professional's guide to working with people. Keynote Address to the Urban Wildlife Management National Conference, Arbor Day Foundation, June 18-20, 2007. INVITED.

Bonar S.A. and Y. Kuzmenko. 2006. Managing inland populations of large, piscivorous fish, from important commercial fisheries to invasive, economically harmful species. Address to the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Environmental Security Council, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, September 28, 2006. INVITED.

Bonar, S.A. 2006. (Keynote/Plenary Address) Nonnative aquatic species in the American West: Their weird history, current research and thoughts for the future. Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society/The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, February 2-4, 2006. INVITED.

Meeting Presentations

Lein, A., C. Svancara, W. Vanasco, L. Lopez-Hoffman, and G. Ruyle. 2014. Understanding ranchers' preferences for conservation incentives. 2014 A Community for Ecosystem Services Conference, Washington, D.C., December 8-12, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Brizendine, M., S. A. Bonar, D. Ward and W. Matter. 2014. Use of ultrasonic imaging and Ovaprim® to evaluate egg maturation of humpback chub Gila cypha. The Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Mazatlan, Mexico, April 7-11, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Bonar, S.A. 2014. Effects of increasing water temperature in desert fishes and options for management. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014.

Hickerson, B., S. A. Bonar, and J. E. Ruggirello. Spawning site preference of the endangered Moapa White River Springfish. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Brizendine, M., S. A. Bonar, D. Ward and W. Matter. 2014. Use of ultrasonic imaging and Ovaprim® to evaluate egg maturation of humpback chub Gila cypha. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Clark-Barkalow, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2014. Total suspended sediment tolerance of Yaqui chub eggs and fry. 47th Joint Annual meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Clark-Barkalow, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2014. Effects of total suspended sediment on abundance and diversity of invertebrates in Black Draw. 47th Joint Annual meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Lein, A., C. Svancara, W. Vanasco, L. Lopez-Hoffman, G. Ruyle and S. Bonar. 2014. Assessing rancher perception and concern about proposed jaguar critical habitat. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Petre, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2014. Using habitat sustainability criteria and life history characteristics to manage for Apache Trout and against Virile Crayfish. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Petre, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2014. Habitat sustainability criteria for Virile Crayfish, a non-native species in Arizona. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, O. G. Feuerbacher. 2014. Endangered Moapa Dace in captivity and spawning ecology. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, O. G. Feuerbacher. 2014. An attempt to spawn endangered Moapa Dace in captivity. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Svancara, C., L. Lopez-Hoffman, and S. Bonar. 2014. Perceptions and concerns with jaguar conservation: nine rancher case studies in southern Arizona. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, February 6-8, 2014. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Bonar, S.A. 2013. Effects of increasing water temperature in desert fishes and options for management. 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20-24, 2013.

Brizendine, M., S. A. Bonar, D. Ward and W. Matter. 2013. Use of ultrasonic imaging and Ovaprim® to evaluate egg maturation of humpback chub Gila cypha. 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20-24, 2013. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Clark-Barkalow, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Effects of total suspended sediment on survival of Yaqui Chub eggs and larvae. 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20-24, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Mercado-Silva, N. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Habitat use of larval fishes in a Southwestern desert stream. 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20-24, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Petre, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Habitat sustainability criteria for Virile Crayfish, a non-native species in Arizona. 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20-24, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Petre, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. What habitat parameters can be modified to reduce interactions between imperiled Apache trout and invasive crayfish? 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20-24, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar and O. G. Feuerbacher. 2013. An attempt to spawn endangered Moapa Dace in captivity. 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20-24, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar and O. G. Feuerbacher. 2013. Spawning ecology of the endangered Moapa Dace revealed through underwater videography. 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20-24, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Brizendine, M., S. A. Bonar, and D. Ward. 2013. Evaluation of Humpback Chub Gila cypha egg maturation using ultrasonic imaging and Ovaprim®. 143nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 8-12, 2013. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Clark-Barkalow, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Effects of total suspended sediment on survival of Yaqui Chub eggs and larvae. 143nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 8-12, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Petre, S., and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Habitat suitability criteria for Virile Crayfish, a non-native species in Arizona. 143nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 8-12, 2013. POSTER PRESENTATION.

Petre, S., and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Using habitat to understand the distribution of Apache Trout, a rare Southwestern salmonid impacted by non-native crayfish. 143nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 8-12, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, and O.G. Feuerbacher. 2013. Spawning ecology of the critically endangered Moapa Dace revealed through underwater videography. 143nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 8-12, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Mercado-Silva, N., S. A. Bonar, M. Rahr, T. Torey, and A. Cate Jr. 2013. Comparing standard North American freshwater fish data using a simple online tool: 93rd Joint Meeting of Ichthyology and Herpetology, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 10-15 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2013. New options for managing native trout habitat with climate change implications. 4th Annual Native Trout Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, April 18, 2013. INVITED.

Petre, S., S. A. Bonar, Mercado-Silva, N., M. Rahr, T. Torey, and A. Cate Jr. 2013. Comparing standard North American freshwater fish data using a simple online tool: Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, April 15-18, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Petre, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Using habitat suitability criteria as a tool to understand distribution dilemmas for Apache Trout, a rare Southwestern salmonid impacted by non-native crayfish. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, April 15-18, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S.A. 2013. A simple web-based tool to analyze standard fish data with a click of a button. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 7-9, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Clark-Barkalow, S. L. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Relationship between U.S.-Mexico border operations and suspended sediment in headwaters of the Rio Yaqui. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 7-9, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Mercado-Silva, N., S. A. Bonar, M. Rahr, T. Torey, and A. Cate Jr. 2013. Comparing standard North American freshwater fish data using a simple online tool: Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee, February 7-10, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Price, J.E. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Potential methods to cool streams containing Apache trout in the White Mountains of Arizona with implication for climate change. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 7-9, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Petre, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2013. A comparison of habitat suitability criteria for Apache trout and the non-native virile crayfish. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 7-9, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, and O. G. Feuerbacher. 2013. Spawning ecology of the critically endangered Moapa Dace, Moapa coriacea, revealed through underwater videography. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 7-9, 2013. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2012. Why restore and protect desert fishes? Lessons from history, economics and biology. 44th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley National Park, California, November 14-18, 2012. INVITED.

Clark-Barkalow, S. L. and S. A. Bonar. 2012. Relationship between U.S.-Mexico border operations and total suspended sediment in headwaters of the Rio Yaqui. 44th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council. Death Valley National Park, California, November 14-18, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2012. Using video to investigate relationships between environmental conditions and spawning behavior in Devils Hole pupfish. 44th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley National Park, California, November 14-18, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Feuerbacher, O.G., S.A. Bonar, and P. Barrett. 2012. Detection, disease characteristics, and control of non-tuberculosis mycobacteria in hybrid Devils Hole pupfish. 44th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley National Park, California, November 14-18, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Petre, S. and S. A. Bonar. 2012. A comparison of habitat suitability criteria for Apache trout and the non-native virile crayfish. 44th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley National Park, California, November 14-18, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Price, J. and S. A. Bonar. 2012. Can streams containing Apache Trout be cooled? Relationships between environmental variables and stream temperature with management implications under climate change. 44th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley National Park, California, November 14-18, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Ruggirello, J. E., S. A. Bonar, and O. G. Feuerbacher. 2012. Spawning ecology of the critically endangered Moapa dace, Moapa coriacea, revealed through underwater videography. 44th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley National Park, California, November 14-18, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2012. Recent Advances and an Overview of North American AFS Freshwater Fish Sampling Standardization. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, August 19-23, 2012. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A., M. Rahr, T. Torrey, A. Cate Jr., and N. Mercado Silva, 2012. Comparing Standard North American Freshwater Fish Data Using a Web-Accessible Database. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, August 19-23, 2012. INVITED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2012. Using Video to Investigate Relationships Between Environmental Conditions and Spawning Behavior in Devils Hole Pupfish. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, August 19-23, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Feuerbacher, O.G., S.A. Bonar, and P.J. Barrett. 2012. Detection, Disease Characteristics, and Control of Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacteria in Hybrid Devils Hole Pupfish. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, August 19-23, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Mercado-Silva, N. and S.A. Bonar. 2012. Standardized methods for sampling inland fishes in Mexico: Development, utilization and validation. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, August 19-23, 2012. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2012. Recent advances and an overview of North American freshwater fish sampling standardization. 6th World Fisheries Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 7-11, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S.A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2012. Using remote systems to assess relationships between environmental conditions and reproductive behavior in Devils Hole pupfish. 45th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2-4, 2012. CONTRIBUTED-BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD.

Mercado-Silva, N. and S. A. Bonar. 2012. Habitat requirements for two catostomids in an Arizona stream. 45th Joint annual meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2-4, 2012. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2011. Advances in fish sampling: An overview of techniques and standardization. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September 4-8, 2011. CONTRIBUTED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P.J. Barrett. 2011. Environmental factors and spawning behavior in the Devils Hole pupfish. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, Washington, September 4-8, 2011. INVITED.

Feuerbacher, O. G., S. A. Bonar, A. L. Chaudoin, and P. J. Barrett. 2011. Construction of a mesocosm recreation of Devils Hole. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, Washington, September 4-8, 2011. CONTRIBUTED.

Mapula, J., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, K. Wilson, and P. J. Barrett. 2011. Food Bottlenecks to Larval Recruitment of Devils Hole Pupfish. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, Washington, September 4-8, 2011. INVITED.

Recsetar, M.S., S.A. Bonar, O.G. Feuerbacher, and C.A. Caldwell. 2011. Assessing the thermal tolerance of Apache trout at critical life stages. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, Washington, September 4-8, 2011. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2011. Aquatic research at the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Devils Hole Pupfish Biologists' Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23-24, 2011. INVITED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O.G. Feuerbacher, S.A. Bonar, and P.J. Barrett. 2011. Using stand-alone video to monitor reproductive behavior in Devils Hole pupfish. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Devils Hole Pupfish Biologists’ Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23-24, 2011. INVITED.

Feuerbacher, O. G., S. A. Bonar, and A. L. Chaudoin. 2011. Construction of a mesocosm recreation of Devils Hole. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Devils Hole Pupfish Biologists' Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23-24, 2011. INVITED.

Feuerbacher, O. G., S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2011. Applications of surface disinfectants and antibiotics to hybrid Devils Hole pupfish eggs. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Devils Hole Pupfish Biologists' Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23-24, 2011. INVITED.

Mapula, J., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, K. Wilson, and P. J. Barrett. 2011. Food bottlenecks to larval recruitment of Devils Hole pupfish. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Devils Hole Pupfish Biologists' Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23-24, 2011. INVITED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2011. Using stand-alone video to monitor reproductive behavior in Devils Hole pupfish. 2011 Devils Hole Workshop, Pahrump, Nevada, May 4-6, 2011. INVITED.

Feuerbacher, O. G., S. A. Bonar, and A. L. Chaudoin. 2011. Construction of a mesocosm recreation of Devils Hole. 2011 Devils Hole Workshop, Pahrump, Nevada, May 4-6, 2011. INVITED.

Mapula, J., O.G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, K. Wilson, and P. J. Barrett. 2011. Food bottlenecks to larval recruitment of Devils Hole pupfish. 2011 Devils Hole Workshop, Pahrump, Nevada, May 4-6, 2011. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2011. Advances in fish sampling: An overview of techniques and standardization. The Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Joint Annual Meeting, Pinetop, Arizona, February 3-5, 2011. CONTRIBUTED.

Chaudoin, A.L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2011. Using stand-alone video to monitor reproductive behavior in Devils Hole pupfish. The Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Meeting, Pinetop, Arizona, February 3-5, 2011. CONTRIBUTED.

Feuerbacher, O.G., S. A. Bonar, and A. L. Chaudoin. 2011. Construction of a mesocosm recreation of Devils Hole. The Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Meeting, Pinetop, Arizona, February 3-5, 2011. CONTRIBUTED.

Mapula, J., O. G. Feuerbacher, and S. A. Bonar. 2011. Food bottlenecks to larval recruitment of the Devils Hole pupfish. The Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Meeting, Pinetop, Arizona, February 3-5, 2011. CONTRIBUTED.

Mercado-Silva, N. and S. A. Bonar. 2011. Larval fish habitat preference and distribution in an unregulated Arizona desert stream. The Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Meeting, Pinetop, Arizona, February 3-5, 2011. CONTRIBUTED.

Price, J. E. and S. A. Bonar. 2011. Habitat variables associated with stream temperature resiliency in the White Mountains of Arizona with implications for Apache trout distribution in response to climate change. The Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Meeting, Pinetop, Arizona, February 3-5, 2011. CONTRIBUTED – BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD.

Bonar, S. A. 2010. Advances in fish sampling: An overview of techniques and standardization. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Moab, Utah, November 17-21, 2010. CONTRIBUTED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2010. Using stand-alone video to monitor reproductive behavior in Devils Hole pupfish. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Moab, Utah, November 17-21, 2010. CONTRIBUTED.

Mercado-Silva, N. and S. A. Bonar. 2010. Metodos estandarizados para el muestreo de peces dulceacuicolas en Norteamerica. 2010 Meeting of the Sociedad Ictiologica Mexicana, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico. CONTRIBUTED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2010. Using remote systems to assess relationships between environmental conditions and reproductive behavior in Devils Hole pupfish. 43rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 4-6, 2010, Flagstaff, Arizona. CONTRIBUTED.

Feuerbacher, O. G., S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2010. Control of pathogens in laboratory-reared hybrid Devils Hole pupfish. 43rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 4-6, 2010, Flagstaff, Arizona. CONTRIBUTED.

Mapula, J., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, K. Wilson, and P. J. Barrett. 2010. Food Bottlenecks to Larval Recruitment of Devils Hole Pupfish. 43rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 4-6, 2010, Flagstaff, Arizona. CONTRIBUTED.

Recsetar, M., M. Zeigler, D. Ward, S. A. Bonar, and C. Caldwell. 2010. Testing the Thermal Tolerance of Various Life Stages of Fish Using the Critical Thermal Method. 43rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 4-6, 2010, Flagstaff, Arizona. CONTRIBUTED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2009. Using stand alone videography and water quality sensing to assess relationships between environmental conditions and reproductive behavior in Devils Hole pupfish. 41st Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley, California, November 19-22, 2009. CONTRIBUTED.

Feuerbacher, O. G., S. A. Bonar, and P. J. Barrett. 2009. Application of prophylactic disease treatments in laboratory rearing of hybrid Devils Hole pupfish. 41st Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley, California, November 19-22, 2009. INVITED.

Mapula, J., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and K. Wilson. 2009. Laboratory replication of Devils Hole algal and zooplankton communities. 41st Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley, California, November 19-22, 2009. INVITED.

Recsetar, M., M. Zeigler, S. A. Bonar, D. Ward, and C. Caldwell. 2009. Testing the thermal tolerance of various life stages of fish using the critical thermal method. 41st Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, November 19-22, 2009. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A., M. Brouder, and A. Iles. 2009. Aggregating disparate fish data sets: challenges, techniques and a bit of social psychology. 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee. August 30-September 3, 2009. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A., W. Hubert, and D. Willis. 2009. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 3-7, 2009. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A., T. P. Archdeacon, A. Iles, S. J. Kline, A. A. Schultz, and E. Sontz. 2009. An overview of captive breeding methods for five imperiled desert chub and topminnow species. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 3-7, 2009. CONTRIBUTED.

Chaudoin, A. L., O. G. Feuerbacher, S. A. Bonar, and P .J. Barrett. 2009. Using stand-alone videography and water quality sensing to assess relationships between environmental conditions and reproductive behavior in Devils Hole Pupfish. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 3-7, 2009. CONTRIBUTED.

Feuerbacher, O. G., S. A. Bonar, and P. Barrett. 2009. Application of prophylactic disease treatments in laboratory rearing of hybrid Devils Hole pupfish. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 3-7, 2009. CONTRIBUTED.

Kretschmann, A., S. A. Bonar, K. Young, J. Whittier, C. Paukert, and D. Guertin. 2009. Using Geographic Information Systems to delineate native fish and sport fish management areas in the Verde River watershed, Arizona. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 3-7, 2009. INVITED.

Recsetar, M., M. Zeigler, D. Ward, S. A. Bonar, and C. Caldwell. 2009. Testing the Thermal Tolerance of Various Life Stages of Fish Using the Critical Thermal Method. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 3-7, 2009. CONTRIBUTED.

Rogowski, D., S. Sitko, and S.A. Bonar. 2009. Optimizing northern crayfish (Orconectes virilis) control methods in Arizona streams. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 3-7, 2009. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A., T. P., Archdeacon, A. Iles, S. J. Kline, A. A. Schultz, and E. Sontz. 2008. An overview of captive breeding methods for five imperiled desert chub and topminnow species 40th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico, November 12-16, 2008. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A., O. Feuerbacher, A. Chaudoin, and J. Mapula. 2008. Proposed propagation research for Devils Hole pupfish. Devils Hole Pupfish Research Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2008. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A., W. A. Hubert, and D. W. Willis. 2008. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Ontario, August 17-21, 2008. Introductory presentation of Standard methods for sampling North American Freshwater Fishes symposium. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A., W. A. Hubert, and D. W. Willis. 2008. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, May 5-7, 2008. CONTRIBUTED.

Kretschmann, A., S. A. Bonar, and K. Young. 2007. Using geographic information systems as a tool to delineate native fish and sport fish management areas for use in a fisheries management plan of the Verde River watershed, Arizona. Desert Fishes Council Meeting, Ventura, California, December 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Kuzmenko, Y., S. A. Bonar, and T. Spesivy. 2007. Can we mechanically control nuisance populations of northern pike in Southwestern lakes? Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Ventura, California, December 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Sontz, E. and S. A. Bonar. 2007. Propagation and rearing of headwaters chub. Desert Fishes Council, Ventura, California, December 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2007. How to persuade people – Lessons from psychology and marketing for the wildlife biologist. The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona, September 22-26, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2007. How to persuade people – Lessons from psychology and marketing for the fisheries biologist. American Fisheries Society 137th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, September 2-6, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A., W. A. Hubert, and D. W. Willis. 2007. Standard methods to sample inland fishes of North America. Progress report. Fisheries Management Section, American Fisheries Society 137th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, September 2-6, 2007. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A., W. A. Hubert, and D. W. Willis. 2007. Standard methods to sample inland fishes of North America. Progress report. Education Section, American Fisheries Society 137th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, September 2-6, 2007. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2007. Fishes in the Desert. Aquatic research at the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Guest Speaker at the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Cooperator’s Meeting, May 15, 2007. INVITED.

Archdeacon, T. P. and S. A. Bonar. 2007. Effects of Asian fish tapeworm and western mosquitofish on Mohave tui chub growth and survival. Mohave National Preserve Meeting, Palm Desert, California, May 10, 2007. INVITED.

DuBey, R., S. Schrader, C. Caldwell, D. L. Winkleman, P. Budy, and S.A. Bonar. 2007. Southwest regional risk assessment for whirling disease in native salmonids: Data assembly and conceptual model development. 13th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium “Resistance on Two Fronts," Denver, Colorado, February 12-13, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A., W.A. Hubert, and D.W. Willis. 2008. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Prescott, Arizona, February 7-9, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Kretschmann, A. and S.A. Bonar. 2008. Using geographic information systems to delineate native fish and sport fish management areas in the Verde River Watershed, Arizona. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Prescott, Arizona. February 7-9, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Kuzmenko, Y., S.A. Bonar, and T. Specivy. 2008. Efficiency of mechanical control of nuisance populations of northern pike in small Arizona lakes. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Prescott, Arizona, February 7-9, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Rogowski, D. and S.A. Bonar. 2008. Optimizing control methods for an invasive crayfish. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Prescott, Arizona, February 7-9, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Sontz, E. and S. A. Bonar. 2008. Captive breeding of headwaters chub, an imperiled Southwestern cyprinid. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Prescott, Arizona, February 7-9, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Archdeacon, T. P. and S.A. Bonar. 2007. Effects of Asian fish tapeworm and western mosquitofish on Mohave tui chub growth and survival. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Kretschmann, A., S. A. Bonar, and K. Young. 2007. Using geographic information systems as a tool to delineate native fish and sport fish management areas for use in a fisheries management plan of the Verde River watershed, Arizona. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2007. CONTRIBUTED – BEST STUDENT POSTER.

Kuzmenko, Y., S. A. Bonar, and T. Spesivy. 2007. Can we mechanically control nuisance populations of northern pike in Southwestern lakes? Lessons from the Ukraine. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Schultz, A.A. and S. A. Bonar, 2007. Selected aspects of the natural history of Gila chub. Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2007. CONTRIBUTED.

Kline, S. J. and S. A. Bonar. 2006. Effect of Asian tapeworm on the growth and mortality of Yaqui chub and Yaqui topminnow. 38th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley, California, November 15-19, 2006. CONTRIBUTED (BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD).

Iles, A. C., S. A. Bonar, W. A. Hubert, and D. W. Willis. 2006. Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes: an example of a data standards initiative. National Fisheries Data Summit - Focusing on Applications to the National Fish Habitat Initiative, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 31-November 2, 2006. INVITED.

Archdeacon, T. P. and S. A. Bonar. 2006. Laboratory spawning of Mojave tui chub. 136th American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, New York, September 10-14, 2006. CONTRIBUTED.

Kline, S. J. and S. A. Bonar. 2006. Effects of Asian tapeworm on the growth and mortality of Yaqui chub and Yaqui topminnow. 136th American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, New York, September 10-14, 2006. CONTRIBUTED.

Schultz, A. and S. A. Bonar. 2006. Spawning and culture of Gila chub. 136th American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, New York, September 10-14, 2006. CONTRIBUTED.

Kline, S. J. and S. A. Bonar. 2006. Effect of Asian tapeworm on the growth and mortality of Yaqui chub and Yaqui topminnow. AZ/NV Academy of Science, Tucson, Arizona, April 8, 2006. INVITED (BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD).

Bonar, S. A., W. Hubert, D. Willis, M. Brouder, and A. Iles. 2005. Standard sampling methods for North American freshwater fishes: Averages and standards for commonly used fisheries indices. Desert Fishes Council, Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico, November 16-20, 2005. CONTRIBUTED.

Kline, J. S., S. A. Bonar, and A. Francis. 2005. Propagation of Yaqui chub (Gila purpurea), and Yaqui topminnow (Poeciliopsis occidentalis sonoriensis) in a controlled environment. Presented to the Desert Fishes Council, Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico, November 16-20, 2005. CONTRIBUTED (Poster).

Schade, C. B. and S. A. Bonar. 2005. Distribution and abundance on non-native fishes in streams of the American West. Presented to the Desert Fishes Council. Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico, November 16-20 2005. CONTRIBUTED.

Sponholtz, P., J. Voeltz, D. Mitchell, J. Simms, C. Carter, D. Propst, and S. A. Bonar. 2005. Lower Colorado River Area Report, November 2004-2005. Presented to the Desert Fishes Council, Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico, November 16-20, 2005. INVITED.

Archdeacon, T. P. and S. A. Bonar. 2006. Techniques for laboratory spawning of Mohave tui chub. 38th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Death Valley, California, November 15-19, 2005. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2005. An update of the new book, Standardized Sampling of North American Freshwater Fishes. Presented to the Fisheries Management Section of the 135th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska, September 11-15, 2005. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2005. An update of the new book, Standardized Sampling of North American Freshwater Fishes. Presented to the Education Section of the 135th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska, September 11-15, 2005. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A., D. W. Willis, and W. A. Hubert. 2005. Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes. 135th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska, September 11-15, 2005. CONTRIBUTED.

Archdeacon, T. P. and S. A. Bonar. 2005. Propagation of Mohave tui chub. Presented to the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Flagstaff, Arizona February 2-4, 2005. CONTRIBUTED (Poster).

Bonar, S. A., A. Iles, D. W. Willis, and W. A. Hubert 2005. Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes. Presented to the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, February 2-4, 2005. CONTRIBUTED.

Kline, J., S. A. Bonar, and A. Choudhury. 2005. Effects of Asian tapeworm on fishes of the Rio Yaqui basin. Presented to the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, February 2-4, 2005. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2004. Can people be influenced to improve their conservation ethic towards desert fishes? Lessons from psychology and marketing. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, November 10-14, 2004. CONTRIBUTED.

Carveth, C. J., A. W. Widmer, and S. A. Bonar. 2004. Upper lethal tolerance of Arizona’s native fishes. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, November 10-14, 2004. CONTRIBUTED.

Schultz, A. A. and S. A. Bonar. 2004. Determining effective culture temperatures for larval and juvenile Gila chub (Gila intermedia). Desert Fishes Council Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, November 10-14, 2004. CONTRIBUTED.

Widmer, A. M., C. J. Carveth, S. A. Bonar, and J. R. Simms. 2004. Upper thermal tolerance of loach minnow (Tiaroga cobitis) Desert Fishes Council Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, November 10-14, 2004. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2004. A description of the new book, Standardized Sampling of North American Freshwater Fishes. Presented to the Fisheries Management Section of the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin, August 23-26, 2004. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2004. A description of the new book, Standardized Sampling of North American Freshwater Fishes. Presented to the Education Section of the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin, August 23-26, 2004. CONTRIBUTED.

Carveth, C. J., A. Widmer and S. A. Bonar. 2004. Critical thermal maxima of Arizona's native and nonnative fish species: have Arizona's native fish finally reached their boiling point? Presented to the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin, August 23-26, 2004. CONTRIBUTED.

Widmer, A., C. J. Carveth and S. A. Bonar. 2004. A comparison of methods for measuring thermal tolerance: loach minnow and spikedace as examples. Presented to the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin, August 23-26, 2004. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A., B. Bolding, M. Divens and W. Meyer. 2003. Effects of introduced fishes on coho salmon in small Pacific Northwest lakes and implications for management. Seminar, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. September 15, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Leslie, L. L., C. E. Velez and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Diet and consumption rates of introduced fishes in the Verde River, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Statewide Research Meeting, Phoenix Arizona, December 17, 2003. INVITED.

Leslie, L. L., C. E. Velez and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Diet and consumption rates of introduced fishes in the Verde River, Arizona. Desert Fishes Council, Annual Meeting, Death Valley, California, November 20-23, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Schultz, A. A., O. E. Maughan, S.A. Bonar, and W. Matter. 2003. Effect of a reservoir on downstream abundance of native and nonnative fishes in a small desert stream. Desert Fishes Council, Annual Meeting, Death Valley, California, November 20-23, 2003, Poster Presentation. CONTRIBUTED.

Schade, C. S. and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Patterns in the distribution and relative abundance of exotic fish species in the American West. Desert Fishes Council, Annual Meeting, Death Valley, California, November 20-23, 2003, Poster Presentation CONTRIBUTED.

Velez, C. E., L. L. Leslie, and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Impact of predation by nonnative fishes on native fishes in the Verde River, Arizona. Desert Fishes Council, Annual Meeting, Death Valley, California, November 20-23, 2003, Poster Presentation. CONTRIBUTED.

Widmer, A. M., C. J. Carveth, and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Lethal thermal maxima of native and nonnative fishes in the San Pedro River, Arizona. Desert Fishes Council, Annual Meeting, Death Valley, California, November 20-23, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A., B. Bolding, M. Divens, and W. Meyer. 2003. Effects of introduced fishes on coho salmon in small Pacific Northwest lakes and implications for management. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 10-14, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Carveth, C. J., A. M. Widmer, and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Lethal thermal maxima of fishes in the San Pedro River, Arizona. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 10-14, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Flinders, J. M. and S. A. Bonar. 2003. The biology and foraging demands of northern pike in Arizona lakes and reservoirs. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 10-14, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Leslie, L. L., C. E. Velez, and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Diet and consumption rates of introduced fishes in the Verde River, Arizona. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 10-14, 2003 CONTRIBUTED.

Schade, C. S. and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Patterns in the distribution and relative abundance of exotic fish species in the American West. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 10-14, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Velez, C. E., L. L. Leslie, and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Impact of predation by nonnative fishes on native fishes in the Verde River, Arizona. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 10-14, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2003. An overview of the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit’s Fisheries Programs. Arizona Anglers Roundtable, Phoenix, Arizona, July 14, 2003. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2003. Capabilities of the Arizona Cooperative Research Unit. USFWS Region 2 Research Coordinators' Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 22, 2003. INVITED.

Leslie, L. L., C. E. Velez, and S. A. Bonar. 2003. Fishes of the Verde River. Interactions among native and nonnative fishes. Center for Impacts of Urban Development in Southern Arizona's Desert Environment (CIUDAD) Annual Meeting, April 25, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Flinders, J. M. and S. A. Bonar. 2003. The biology and foraging demands of northern pike in Arizona lakes and reservoirs. Western Division Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Diego, California, April 14-17, 2003. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2003. Interactions between non-native and native aquatic species and challenges to managing recovery. USFWS Southwestern Regional Meeting. San Antonio, Texas, January 14-17, 2003. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. and A. Didenko. 2002. Standard sampling of desert fish: recent progress, and a call for action. Desert Fishes Council, Annual Meeting San Luis Potosi, SLP, Mexico, November 14-17, 2002. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. and W.A. Hubert. 2002. Standard sampling of inland fish: benefits, challenges, and a call for action. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland, August 18-22, 2002. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2002. An overview of the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. USFWS Gila, Salt, Verde Watershed Ecoteam Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, August 6, 2002. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2002. An overview of the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. USFWS Southwest Regional Research Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May, 2002. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A., J. Flinders, O. E. Maughan, and W. J. Matter. 2002. Factors associated with razorback sucker recruitment in a small southern Arizona pond. Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Safford, Arizona, February 7-9, 2002. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. and W. A. Hubert. 2002. Standard sampling of inland fish: benefits, challenges, and a call for action. Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Safford, Arizona, February 7-9, 2002. CONTRIBUTED.

Didenko, A., S. A. Bonar, and W. J. Matter. 2002. Standard weight equations for rare desert fishes. Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Safford, Arizona, February 7-9, 2002. CONTRIBUTED.

Flinders, J. M. and S. A. Bonar. 2002. The biology and foraging demands of northern pike in Arizona lakes and reservoirs. Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Safford, Arizona, February 7-9, 2002. CONTRIBUTED.

Leslie, L. L., C. E. Velez, and S. A. Bonar. 2002. Fishes of the Verde River. Interactions among native and nonnative fishes. Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Safford, Arizona, February 7-9, 2002. CONTRIBUTED.

Velez, C. E., L. L. Leslie, and S. A. Bonar. 2002. Interactions between native and nonnative fishes in the Verde River, Arizona. Annual Meeting of the New Mexico/Arizona Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Safford, Arizona February 7-9, 2002. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2001. Relative length frequency: A simple visual technique to evaluate size structure in fish populations. 131st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, Arizona, August 19-23, 2001. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S.A., B. Bolding, M. Divens, and W. Meyer. 2001. Effects of introduced fishes on coho salmon in small Pacific Northwest lakes and implications for management. 131st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, Arizona, August 19-23, 2001. CONTRIBUTED.

Schultz, A. A., O. E. Maughan, S. A. Bonar, and W. J. Matter. 2001. Effect of a reservoir on downstream abundance of native and nonnative fishes in a small desert stream. 131st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, Arizona, August 19-23, 2001 CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2001. Relative length frequency: A simple visual technique to evaluate size structure in fish populations. Arizona Game and Fish Department Agency School. Flagstaff, Arizona, June 12-14, 2001. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2001. Examining interactions between introduced fish and native aquatic species in Washington state: Implications for Southwestern aquatic ecosystems. Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Gallup, New Mexico, February 1-3, 2001. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2001. Relative length frequency: A simple visual technique to evaluate size structure in fish populations. Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Gallup, New Mexico, February 1-3, 2001. CONTRIBUTED.

Schultz, A. A., O. E. Maughan, S. A. Bonar, and W. J. Matter. 2001. Effect of a reservoir on downstream abundance of native and nonnative fishes in a small desert stream. Best Student Paper Award, Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Gallup, New Mexico, February 1-3, 2001. CONTRIBUTED.

Ward, D. L. and S. A. Bonar. 2001. Effects of water temperature and cold shock on predation of flannelmouth suckers by rainbow trout. Best Student Paper - Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Gallup, New Mexico, February 1-3, 2001. CONTRIBUTED.

Widmer, A. M., C. J. Carveth, and S. A. Bonar. 2001. Lethal thermal maxima of native and nonnative fishes in the San Pedro River, Arizona. Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society, Gallup, New Mexico, February 1-3, 2001. CONTRIBUTED.

Bonar, S. A. 2000. Introduced fishes in the American West: Case histories and current research. School of Renewable Natural Resources Seminar, University of Arizona, Tucson, October, 2000. INVITED.

Bonar, S. A. 2000. Introduced fishes in the American West: Case histories and current research. Department of Zoology Seminar, University of Wyoming, Laramie, October 2000. INVITED.

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